How To Submit An Oil Sample
Advanced Oil Analysis | Oil Samples Only | Instructions
All samples must be submitted electronically before shipping
AssetWatch Mobile App Instructions
- Write the asset name on the left and right sample bottle labels, then peel and place the left label on the sample bottle
- Choose “Oil Analysis” at the bottom and tap the asset you wish to sample
- Tap "Take Sample", then tap the QR icon under “QR Code”
- Scan the QR code from the sample bottle label
- Enter hours on fluid, fluid change and other information, if known
- Collect oil sample filling the bottle approximately ¾ full
- Tap “Submit Sample”
- Package and send sample bottle to the laboratory nearest you
AssetWatch Online Platform Instructions
- Write the asset name on the left and right sample labels
- Peel and place the left label on sample bottle
- Navigate to the Assets tab
- Select the appropriate monitoring point of the asset to sample
- Click the small oil bottle icon on the right of the desired asset
- Enter the QR Code number (the number under the QR Code)
- Enter hours on fluid, fluid change and other information, if known
- Click "Submit"
- Collect oil sample filling the bottle approximately ¾ full
- Package and send sample bottle to the laboratory nearest you
Laboratory Location 1
7451 Winton Drive
PO Box 68983
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Laboratory Location 2
PO Box 30820
3060 California Ave, STE B
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Laboratory Location 3
4100 N Sam Houston Parkway W.
Suite 250
Houston, TX 77086
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