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How To Submit An Oil Sample

Advanced Oil Analysis | Oil Samples Only | Instructions

All samples must be submitted electronically before shipping

AssetWatch Mobile App Instructions

  1. Write the asset name on the left and right sample bottle labels, then peel and place the left label on the sample bottle
  2. Choose “Oil Analysis” at the bottom and tap the asset you wish to sample
  3. Tap "Take Sample", then tap the QR icon under “QR Code”
  4. Scan the QR code from the sample bottle label
  5. Enter hours on fluid, fluid change and other information, if known
  6. Collect oil sample filling the bottle approximately ¾ full
  7. Tap “Submit Sample”
  8. Package and send sample bottle to the laboratory nearest you

AssetWatch Online Platform Instructions

  1. Write the asset name on the left and right sample labels
  2. Peel and place the left label on sample bottle
  3. Navigate to the Assets tab
  4. Select the appropriate monitoring point of the asset to sample
  5. Click the small oil bottle icon on the right of the desired asset
  6. Enter the QR Code number (the number under the QR Code)
  7. Enter hours on fluid, fluid change and other information, if known
  8. Click "Submit"
  9. Collect oil sample filling the bottle approximately ¾ full
  10. Package and send sample bottle to the laboratory nearest you

Laboratory Location 1

7451 Winton Drive
PO Box 68983
Indianapolis, IN 46268

Laboratory Location 2

PO Box 30820
3060 California Ave, STE B
Salt Lake City, UT 84104

Laboratory Location 3

4100 N Sam Houston Parkway W.
Suite 250
Houston, TX 77086

Showing 0 of 100
Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Water & Wastewater
Forestry & Building Materials
Pulp, Paper & Packaging
Food & Beverage
Metals & Processing
Mining & Aggregates
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Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Water & Wastewater
Forestry & Building Materials
Pulp, Paper & Packaging
Food & Beverage
Metals & Processing
Mining & Aggregates
Select Component Type
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Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Water & Wastewater
Forestry & Building Materials
Pulp, Paper & Packaging
Food & Beverage
Metals & Processing
Mining & Aggregates
Select Solution Type
Pharmaceutical & Healthcare
Water & Wastewater
Forestry & Building Materials
Pulp, Paper & Packaging
Food & Beverage
Metals & Processing
Mining & Aggregates
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