Oil Analysis
A deeper level of analysis and real time communication with experts to resolve issues
What's Included?
AssetWatch delivers concise, actionable oil analysis and vibration data coupled with machine learning in one location...the days of disparate information and static PDFs are over.
Simplify your oil analysis program with everything needed plus expert analysis, prescriptive advice and the positive financial impact to your business.
Expert oil analysis and real-time 2-way communication with a dedicated certified Condition Monitoring Engineer
In-depth root cause analysis and detailed corrective actions for your assets
World class analytics and dynamic ROI calculations for oil analysis, vibration, and temperature in the AssetWatch® cloud platform
Comprehensive fluid analysis tests for particle contamination, wear metals, viscosity, acid, water & more
How It Works
We uniquely provide monetary insights with every oil sample so that you can make informed decisions. Plus, we combine this with vibration and other technologies for even more precise diagnostics. Eliminate unplanned downtime and monitor your entire facility in one place with the holistic AssetWatch condition-based maintenance SaaS solution.
01 | Collect
Correctly pulling oil samples is the foundation for accurate data. Our trained MLT experts provide this service for you on a monthly or quarterly basis.
02 | Ship
Say goodbye to forms! Your lubrication tech will scan the sample’s QR code to automatically link all critical data to the AssetWatch platform, then carefully pack and ship your samples to the lab for analysis.
03 | Analyze
The lab provides a comprehensive testing panel on your samples and integrates the data directly into our software.
04 | Resolve
What makes AssetWatch truly unique is our ability to turn data into action. Your dedicated Condition Monitoring Engineer (CME) will work closely with you, providing prescriptive analysis through the platform.
They’ll outline specific steps your team can take to address issues, calculate dynamic ROI for each oil sample, and provide asset life predictions.
05 | Prescriptive Insights & Collaboration
Your dedicated Condition Monitoring Engineer will work with you to determine the root cause of the problem and develop an action plan. You no longer have to guess which filter to use or how clean a system should be. Your CME will help with all decisions and calculations to achieve the desired result.
A Deeper Look

Nationwide Support With A Local Touch
Proudly servicing all locations in the US & Canada
Multiple site visits per year included, ensuring fast, reliable service when you need it most
Professional install by our in-house Reliability Technicians
Our locally based Asset Reliability Technicians are strategically positioned across 83% of all major U.S. cities
Team of dedicated CAT 3 or 4 Vibration Analysts for each site included with program

Book a demo
Oil Analysis
Concise, actionable oil analysis and vibration data coupled with machine learning in one location.

Understanding an Oil Analysis Report...
Dig deeper to explore the subtle, but critical nuances of oil analysis reports.

The Value of Combining Vibration and Oil Analysis
Two powerful technologies that are not adversaries, but rather complementary forces in the realm of machine health management.

Oil Sampling Guide
Learn the step-by-step process for taking a clean and accurate oil sample.